Sunday, May 19, 2024

Some GuguModa Love

 The girls got a new package in from GuguModa, so they had model a bit.

I just loved these little overalls and had to have some for the girls, just too cute.

The pukifee's are such a wonderful size. So easy to play with, and such adorable faces. I see more in my future.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Coco's New Eyes

 I finally changed Coco's eyes into something that suits her better IMHO. These are 11mm Masterpiece eyes in Pastel orange. Since I didn't have any 13mm on hand, these will have to do. I like them a lot better than the defaults she came with. I really love that this size can wear all my little Kish clothing I had collected over the years.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Differing FL Grays

 Thought it would be fun to get a shot of my three little gray guys together to show the differences in the resin shades. Tyni, on the left, is in the most recent release of blue gray. Obi, in the middle, is in the gray from his original "Beetle" release several years ago, and Toki, on the right, is in the elf gray from the most recent release. I love them all! And am glad I got one in the blue gray even though I wavered about it a bit at first.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Blue Gray

 The last of my Realpuki splurges arrived home this week. I thought I was going to make Tyni a girl, but once he got here, he wasn't having it, so guess I have another boy to add to the crew, lol.

I'm so glad I was able to add this adorable sculpt to my crew though. Now if they would just re-release the others that I'm missing.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Just Smile

 Finally got around to changing my little Realfee's and Pukifee's out of their winter clothes. A close up of Realfee Soso in tan, just because she makes me smile.

Saturday, May 4, 2024


Toki in his new outfit from LenasMiniLand on Etsy. So cute I had to share him in it.