Friday, October 25, 2019

Isabeau and the Can of Worms

Well, she's not really "wee"...…………. she's considered a mini, but she is a bit more "wee" than the rest of my mini sized dolls so thought this would be the best of my blogs to post my impressions of my new girl, who just may have opened up a huge can of worms for me. I've been drawn most to the realistic sculpts ever since I actually got my first Narae in circa 2005, but as many other BJD owners, I did start my journey into the BJD realm with Volks and Luts dolls. My first BJD was actually a MSD Volks Yuni, followed quickly by a Luts Delf Soo. Both of those dolls got their walking papers when the Iplehouse invasion occurred, and I moved into collecting almost exclusively dolls with a very realistic aesthetic (with the exception of my Fairyland tinies). I did have a FL Minifee Lishe back when the minifee's first came out, but she was so kicky, she moved on to a new home fairly quickly. Recently my friend Robyn bought her first minifee, and kept telling me how much fun she was to handle, and how great of a size she was...……and how the "kickiness" was GONE…..and noted she could fit into one of her old "Tonner" outfits.  Through my Littlefee's, and recent Pukifee I understand how well engineered the FL dolls are, and I began looking at the marketplace on DOA at the minifee's. Last week an opportunity on a MNF Celine came up that I couldn't pass up...……………...she was tan, which I wanted, and had the cutie bust. She was also blank, which meant I'd have to send her out for a face up before I could fully enjoy her.  Also FS in the marketplace was a tan MNF Iru head WITH a face up that I thought could very well be a girl (even though the sculpt was released as a boy), so I bought that head as well so that I could enjoy the doll while Celine was away getting her face up done. Both Celine and the Iru head arrived this week and I'm totally smitten.
I got out my stash of Tonner clothing and started trying things on. All of my gorgeous knits (and Tonner did some gorgeous knit pieces over the years) fit her and lots of the other skirts and tops do as well! Above and below she is wearing one of my favorite Tonner outfits from Central Park Stroll Sydney.
I also got out my 6/7 wig bin and started trying different wigs on her. Iru, who I am going to call Isabeau, has reddish eyebrows which limits her wig choices a bit. The first one I tried on above I'm not sure I'm 100% happy with.  I tried on a reddish brown Paris wig on her this morning and I think I may prefer this one a little more.

I love how when you put her hand up to her face it clicks into place and stays there! I also love the magnetic hands for ease of changing clothing etc.
After steering clear of the minifee's for many years because I didn't want to open up a whole other can of worms,  the can finally got opened and I may really be in trouble. Her size makes her very portable and her poseability makes her so much fun. Factor in that she already has a ready made wardrobe from all my years of collecting Tonner (and not selling much of the clothing when many of the dolls moved on), I may be in serious trouble here. Not sure whether I should be thanking my friend Robyn or cursing her, lol! I'm afraid I'm not going to want to put Isabeau away when Celine gets home! And you know what that means? I'm already debating ordering one of the fairy/elven eared sculpts, as I tell myself it would be easier to share an Elf head, then Isabeau can have her own body, for the most part.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Black and Orange

The same sculpt, in 2 different sizes, 2 different resin colors. The Ante sculpt is my favorite LittleFee and Pukifee sculpt. Taking pics of these 2 together make me wish I had gotten a Puki Puki size Ante when she was available. It also makes me want to get a tan Pukifee Ante.
There is just something about the tan FL dolls that really pulls me in. I recently succumbed and got a tan Minifee as well...…… much for my resolve to stick to the little ones from Fairyland. The way the dolls are engineered, and how well they pose is a real selling point for me. 
I saw these adorable little dresses from Trillion on Etsy and had to get them for the girls for the fall season. I thought they would be perfect to take some shots of the girls together.
Annie by herself. She needs a tan sister her same size, don't you think? 
And Tudie's close up

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Touch of Magic

Got a surprise gift in the mail yesterday from a friend who loves my little Realpuki's. Nuzzli spied (him/her, haven't decided yet) and claimed it for her own. Dolly friends are the best!! I think most of the other Realpuki's were glad to let Nuzzli have first dibs.
Titi is scared of horses and he figures if Nuzzli has something else to love, she will kiss it instead of him! The other 3 are kind of ambivalent, although Nipper may need to be watched in case he sees the opportunity for a snack. 

I'm sure, being a unicorn new guy is pretty fleet of foot though.
Nuzzli is one happy little RP at the moment. Not sure how the unicorn feels about things...………….time will tell I guess.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Three Dollshe Girls

I've wanted to get a picture of my three little Dollshe 6G girls together for a while, but I knew it was going to be a pain photographing the pale tan with the fresh resin, so been putting it off. This morning I finally got them in front of the camera. From left to right is Aislinn (Rosa fresh skin with face up by unknown artist. I got her second hand), Addie (Angela in pale tan with face up by Lyn Raftis) and lastly Rose ( Rosa in copper oriental with face up by Lyn Raftis).
The way Aislinn and Rose are painted, they almost look like different sculpts to me. And Angela is one that we don't see that much of, but  I think her sculpt is beautiful.
Next up I need to work on a shot of my 4 little Dollshe boys, but that will be harder as they don't have as many clothes as the girls do. My girls are all wearing MSD sized clothes, 2 of the outfits from Dollmore and the one on Addie from an Etsy seller.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Annie Attitude

Just a short post this morning. We were going through the Kish Ellery box to see what fit and what didn't and when Annie put on this little dress with the owl hat she wouldn't take it off.  When I suggested it wasn't very "fallish", this is what I got.
And a close up of the hand. I have to admit the owl hat is pretty darn cute. It was made by LN Harris for my Kish kids years ago. Such attitude in a wee little thing! I think I'm going to buy some more hands so I can take this one away from her, lol!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

An Early Morning Chill

I knitted this shawl for my MSD sized girls, but decided to see how it might work for Arabel (Iple KID Faye) as well, since it there was quite a chill in the air this morning. I think it works well for her.
Fall has definitely arrived. I love Arabel's serene face.
It felt like the perfect morning for crawling under a blanket with a book. Adso thought so too.
There is just something about little kids and animals that make my heart happy.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Never Enough Pink

While all the other kids are dressing in fall colors, Lyla would rather wear pink and she can't understand why it isn't considered a fall color too. She even found a pink wig I had forgotten we had.
It's just easier to give in than argue, and I gotta say she does look pretty cute in pink.
Adso thinks so too.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Colors of Fall

Yesterday it was raining here, so I decided to go to Hobby Lobby...…………….always a bit of a dangerous ordeal to my pockebook.  I was on the hunt for something additional to add to a "fall" colors feel for photos with the little dolls. I had found  a very colorful placemat at Micheal's earlier in the week, along with some craft leaves. Hobby Lobby did have some cute little colorful trees that I thought might be good background material and hoped that I would have good light today to take some photos.
Annie and Nipper (Aki) both got new outftis in this week as well. Annie's from DudsforDolls on ebay and Nipper's outfit I ordered from piercedandpainted on Etsy. Pippa's (Soso) outfit I've had for a few years.
Of course each of the kids had to have separate photos. I love my little Nipper...…...his little teeth just slay me. It doesn't seem he gets as much love as some of the other little Realpuki's, but I think he's adorable. The little bead and embroidery detail on this little outfit from "piercednpainted" is amazing. I just can't imagine trying to do that kind of work on anything this small!
Pippa was my first Realpuki. I love that little face so much. I wish I had gotten a Soso in tan as well before they were gone.
Pippa had to take a load off on one of the scattered pumpkins.
And a couple more of Annie, just because I can't seem to resist playing with her.
I do actually plan to play with some of my other dolls today as well since its such a beautiful day. Annie has sort of monopolized my attention since her arrival. That face is awfully hard to resist though...…………….in my defense.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Little Obsessed

I haven't been this enamored with a doll in a long time. Little Annie (PukiFee Ante) has captured my heart totally. She just begs to be picked up and played with when I get home from work and this week all the other dolls are feeling a bit jealous. How can you resist that little face though?!
I had to try another of my little Kish Ellery outfits on her today. The hat was made for Kish Riley by Ellen Harris, and its a little small, but we made it work. It just looks like a top hat instead of hugging her head.
I have decided she will most definitely have to have a friend or two, and I want at least one in the tan resin. Yep...……...I'm sunk...……….These little ones should contain warning labels.💖

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Finding Annie's Look

I have to say I think I may have opened up a huge can of worms ordering my first PukiFee. I've been playing with her every night as soon as I get home from work trying to find her look. Trying all kinds of different wigs on her to see if I like anything better than the curly wig I first put on her. Last night I changed out the 10mm blue Sprouty eyes I first tried in her for some 12mm Dollbakery Shimmermints and I think they are my keepers. Interesting enough, when I posted the pic below on my Flickr account and asked for feedback most folks preferred the blue.  Gotta go with my gut though, and after spending ample time looking at her in both, I think for me the green are the winners, at least for now. The curly wig wins out of over the bob wig shown in the eye comparison wig as well.

 I tried several other wig styles I had with bangs and the bangs just looked too long on her, so in the end I like the curls. I also got out my box of outfits I had made for Kish Ellery.  Janice Mundy made some adorable outfits for my Kish kids back when I actively collected them. I love all the cute little clothes so much I've never been able to bring myself to sell them. I figured someday I would have a BJD that might be able to wear them...……………….enter little Ante.
I'm super pleased with how well this little dress above fit her!! All the Riley shoes fit her too, so she is probably the best shod doll I own!
The bow for her hair was a little tight, but we got it to stretch. (Luckily as she insisted on the bow) She thinks she looks much more like a little girl in this outfit than the one I had ready for her upon her arrival.
Their was much posing and twirling around.
Then of course it was time for a rest.

Monday, October 7, 2019

The PukiFee Plunge

I finally did it...…………….bought my first PukiFee. I have been tempted by them for a LONG time, as I collected Helen Kish Riley dolls (still have them) for a while, and LOVE that size. I have tons of shoes and props for them as well, but I had read the PukiFee's couldn't wear the Kish clothes, so kept telling myself I didn't want to have to clothe another size. Told myself the LittlFee's and Realpuki's would fill that "hole".  I have a very soft spot for the Ante sculpt though and every time I saw a PukiFee Ante I wanted one. In a moment of weakness earlier this week I was browsing Denver Doll's website and saw they had a PF Ante "in stock" …………...almost instant gratification!! A rare treat in the BJD world, so I hit the buy button. She arrived today and I'm totally smitten.
First step, finding eyes and a wig that would work. I had some 10mm Sprouty eyes in my stash, which I put in. I can't decide if I like them for her or not. The wig was a bigger challenge. I had read she wears a 5/6 and I have quite a few of those, but when I started trying them on her most of them were a little too big and wanted to come down over her cute little ears. The one she is wearing here is really the only one I liked on her. Anyone out there have any recommendations for wig shopping for these cuties? Most of my 5/6's are Monique. This one is the Brittany style and it fits her pretty well. I just can't decide if the curls are too big for her or not though.
I'm also undecided if the eyes will stay or if I should try something different. 
The first pair of shoes I pulled out of the Kish stash fit her well, so hopefully all the shoes I have will work, because I have MANY in this size. Now to get her something to wear that looks a little more girly.
I'm sure she will "need" a friend eventually. That seems to happen a lot around here. It is very rare that I have just 1 of any particular size.  I really do love this size, so I don't even fool myself into thinking there will only be 1. I look forward to photographing her with my LittleFee's and Realpuki's too. Welcome to little Annie!

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Happy Fall All

Our temps dropped into the 70's yesterday and I finally felt like it was fall, so today I decided to get my 2 little Asian Iple BID's out to do what is hopefully the first of the "Fall 2019" photos. Lydia (Mo-A) is on the "Q" body, and she fits perfectly into stuff made for the Littlfee's, while Taigi (Byuri) is on the original BID body, which is slightly larger than the Littlefee body. I should do a comparison picture next time I change their clothes. Anyway, I was happy that Lydia could wear the second purple bat dress that was made for my Littlefee's. I think the sculpts make great sisters.
Most all the props came from Hobby Lobby. There don't seem to be too many "Mo-A's" out there, which is a shame because she can be awfully dang cute.
Taigi(Byuri) was my first BID, and her little face still slays me.
Now to dig out the rest of my fall decorations and get my house decorated...…………….and maybe get a few more of the kids dressed for photos as well.  Happy Fall All!!