Saturday, October 19, 2019

Three Dollshe Girls

I've wanted to get a picture of my three little Dollshe 6G girls together for a while, but I knew it was going to be a pain photographing the pale tan with the fresh resin, so been putting it off. This morning I finally got them in front of the camera. From left to right is Aislinn (Rosa fresh skin with face up by unknown artist. I got her second hand), Addie (Angela in pale tan with face up by Lyn Raftis) and lastly Rose ( Rosa in copper oriental with face up by Lyn Raftis).
The way Aislinn and Rose are painted, they almost look like different sculpts to me. And Angela is one that we don't see that much of, but  I think her sculpt is beautiful.
Next up I need to work on a shot of my 4 little Dollshe boys, but that will be harder as they don't have as many clothes as the girls do. My girls are all wearing MSD sized clothes, 2 of the outfits from Dollmore and the one on Addie from an Etsy seller.


  1. You're right they don't look like the same sculpt at all, if you hadn't told me I would never have picked it Jackie. They are all lovely girls.
    Big hugs,

    1. Thanks! I have a real soft spot for the Dollshe kids for some reason.
