Saturday, October 5, 2019

Happy Fall All

Our temps dropped into the 70's yesterday and I finally felt like it was fall, so today I decided to get my 2 little Asian Iple BID's out to do what is hopefully the first of the "Fall 2019" photos. Lydia (Mo-A) is on the "Q" body, and she fits perfectly into stuff made for the Littlfee's, while Taigi (Byuri) is on the original BID body, which is slightly larger than the Littlefee body. I should do a comparison picture next time I change their clothes. Anyway, I was happy that Lydia could wear the second purple bat dress that was made for my Littlefee's. I think the sculpts make great sisters.
Most all the props came from Hobby Lobby. There don't seem to be too many "Mo-A's" out there, which is a shame because she can be awfully dang cute.
Taigi(Byuri) was my first BID, and her little face still slays me.
Now to dig out the rest of my fall decorations and get my house decorated...…………….and maybe get a few more of the kids dressed for photos as well.  Happy Fall All!!


  1. Hi Jackie! I saw these two on DoA they are both lovely dolls. I also saw your comparison of the BID and Racoon bodies, I had no idea these were so close, so thanks for that. :)
    Big hugs,

    1. Hmmmmm……………...I don't have a Raccoon little one, so that wasn't me that did the comparison, but I've been SO tempted by Raccoon's sale. I might just have to cave if they can wear the BID clothes!

    2. Just realised I made a mistake after I saw your last post on DoA, you must think I'm quite dippy! LOL!

    3. Not at all...…...just figured you were reading in a hurry. Been there, done that. I was quite glad to see the Raccoon girls appear to be the same size as the BIDs though. Good info as I've been very tempted by this Raccoon sale.
